Abstract Perriard (2022)

Perriard, Angela (2022), Strategic competence development from a system’s perspective : examined on the example of the Capstone Project in the Bachelor’s Program in Business Administration at the University of St. Gallen, Bachelor thesis, University of St. Gallen (HSG).

A new approach to understanding performance and competence (Spickers, 2022) has been developed based on the theory of autopoietic social systems. The question arises whether the social phenomenon ‘performance’ can be described qualitatively in a coherent way using this approach with the help of real cases. In order to answer this question, hypotheses were formulated to provide information about the applicability of the individual parts of the performance concept. The performance concept was applied to the establishing of the Capstone Project at the University of St. Gallen and its experience by the students. The application has shown that the social phenomenon ‘performance’ can be described along a differential theory of autpoietic social systems as a differentiated system, based on the empirically gained insights regarding the establishment of the Capstone Project.